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Law regulates science and technology, as well as the ethical ramifications of scientific study and contemporary technologies. This discipline of law, science, and technology aims to examine how law and science intersect. It has been characterised as “the discipline concerned with how our legal system must respond to the challenges caused by the effect of technology on society.”

In the modern era, legal experts and law schools highlight the overlap between law and technology and science and technology. Justice Stephen Breyer noted that scientific considerations increasingly pervade the law. Law, science, and technology interaction have seen unprecedented expansion including inclusion in syllabi, courses, journals, conferences, and the like. Aside from this, there has been increased recognition of the vital role of science and technology in legal fields.

Relationship between science, technology, and law

“Law and science have a complicated relationship.” Science is a systematic strategy for gathering, organising, and evaluating information about the universe. law, on the other hand, refers to the set of rules which have been established by the social institutions to govern behaviour and is enforced with punishments. Thus, with the expansion of scientific and technical developments, laws, and science became interconnected. Several laws are regulating the influence of science and technology on society. Additionally, in the internet age, the government has imposed rules and regulations on cybercrimes. The law is established to limit the positive, negative, and ethical effects of science and technology.

The court system aims to give remedies to anyone affected by negative scientific and technical breakthroughs, including disgruntled parties. On the flip side, science has provided contemporary technological tools like polygraph exams, the collecting of evidence, and electronic recordings which may be used in court. Science aids in judicial procedures by admitting evidence, autopsy findings, and the like. Research and law are mutually reliant because of breakthroughs in science and technology.

Effects of law on science and technology

Individuals who have been harmed by scientific malpractice attempt to seek court remedies, which has an impact on research and technology. Non-party subpoenas have been filed on scientists who are doing research that might be relevant to the litigation. Scientists are subjected to invasive searches as a result, and they are often required to divulge their research activities in court. The legislature also imposes additional legal obligations on scientists. For example, when a scientific project is funded by the government, it is essential to follow the necessary legal procedures to secure the scientists’ and the general public’s total safety. The Data Quality Act, adopted by the United States Congress in 2000, imposes a variety of substantive and procedural standards on scientific methods. These discoveries point to an increasing tendency of legal interference in science and technology.

Controlling risks of modern scientific technologies

Through the legislative and the courts, the law is the primary social institution for regulating these dangers. Risk control entails a complex combination of scientific and legal factors. The role of law in controlling dangers posed by science and technology, and the use of science by law to evaluate the risk posed by new and current technologies, are discussed first. Different countries’ legislatures attempt to limit risk before it becomes a larger hazard to society. Most developed countries have extensive legislative or regulatory programmes in place to attempt to mitigate the hazards posed by technology such as industrial chemicals, pesticides, natural resource exploitation, pharmaceuticals, and so on. These laws foresee future damages and strive to mitigate them.

Law, in addition to significant legislation, aims to avoid hazards via litigation and responsibility. Individuals who have been damaged by technology may file tort or product liability lawsuits to recover damages, while science, on the other side, plays a key role in producing evidence in such instances. The court declared in the case of Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc. that federal courts must exercise a gatekeeping job to ensure that scientific evidence is relevant and credible before it may be allowed. This decision has encouraged courts to be proactive and educated in screening potential scientific testimony, as well as scientific organisations to seek out and educate judges, as well as providing specialists to assist in science and technology-related procedures.

Benefits of new technologies

Through legal concepts and processes, the law also plays an important role in the growth of innovation and the promotion of technology. The most essential part is intellectual property, which gives investors and inventors an exclusive right to economically exploit the production of their employees for a certain period. The basic goal of intellectual property protection is to encourage innovation by providing financial incentives to researchers and writers to help them generate new ideas and works. Traditional beliefs face significant problems as a result of new technology.

For example, existing laws may not effectively safeguard digital material, requiring the copyright owner to file a lawsuit charging infringement. Legislators and courts have increased copyright protection for digital data since infinite copies may be generated by simply posting something to the internet and then downloading it.

Adapting patent law to genetic findings is also an issue. Patenting genes has created a slew of scientific, legal, ethical, and practical issues that traditional patent law is unable to handle. The line between non-patentable items and patentable innovations and discoveries, for example, has been blurred by technological advancements.

Ethical implications of technology

The law also aims to handle the ethical issues that occur as a result of new technologies in society. Legislators and judges are primarily reliant on society to create and implement suitable legal rules. The law tries to find a socially acceptable way to address moral difficulties. On some occasions, courts have used their jurisdiction to make ethical decisions on problematic technology breakthroughs. Even when courts disregard ethical issues, they are often the driving force for litigation brought before the court on socio-legal grounds.

New technologies v. old laws

Another point to consider is whether new technologies need new legal frameworks or can function within the confines of existing laws. This might be addressed by incorporating eminent laws into the society’s legal structure, which handles concerns on the internet like privacy, copyright, and so on. These challenges emerge in a variety of technology settings. Existing laws have been applied broadly in the United States, while new legislation has been enacted in Europe and other places. One example is patent law, where current laws have been enforced even though new technology in genes and other biological discoveries have been discovered. Some legal luminaries have suggested that new laws are required to guarantee appropriate patent protection for some new and developing technologies, particularly innovative techniques that shift away from the one-size-fits-all approach of the present law.

Challenges faced by law in the field of science and technology

Science and technology are rapidly evolving in contemporary civilization. Moore’s Law, which predicts that the number of transistors on microchips will double every two years, is an example of such progress. The law, on the other hand, is less dynamic since it must go through a technical statutory procedure to keep up with scientific advancements. Due to the binding influence of previous precedents, statutes may readily become obsolete, and case law may be sluggish to adapt to scientific and technical breakthroughs. As a consequence, the legislation is founded on out-of-date scientific assumptions or fails to react to new scientific and technical information. To stay up with science and technology, the law must adapt to changing science and technology and integrate adaptable legal systems.


Despite being two separate sciences, law and science are interdependent. On several levels and in many ways, law interacts with science and technology. With the advancement of technology, these exchanges will become more common in the future, posing hazards, advantages, and ethical issues for society. Law, science, and technology seek to bridge the gap between these two disciplines of study while simultaneously addressing the issues that law, science, and technology confront. It also aims to give a systematic examination of the activities and difficulties that will ultimately assist these topics is evolving in tandem with the subject matter.

Author(s) Name: Aryaman Pratap Singh (University of California)